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My 宝博体育 Experience in 爱尔兰都柏林 as a Marketing 主要 

格温·克莱夫是 东航卡帕校友内幕, finishing her third year of undergrad after her Spring ‘24 宝博体育 program in 爱尔兰都柏林. 除了主修市场营销,她’s minoring in interdisciplinary design where she works on creative skills. Originally from Denver, Colorado, so moving 为 school wasn’t a new thing 为 her. 她最喜欢的东西包括大自然, 狗, 紫色的, 独立音乐和民间音乐, 80年代的电影, 和裁缝. 在明尼苏达州, 格温是学生会和活动办公室的营销助理,也是学校游行乐队的成员, 演奏单簧管. In 爱尔兰,她 在国外宝博体育膳食计划,这是一个专注于可持续发展的应用程序 国外的食物. She mainly worked on the 市场营销 side of things, producing 社交媒体内容 进行市场调查. 上大学之前,格温从没想过 宝博体育 但他说这是一次非常有益的经历. 


我去了德国科隆大教堂的顶部. This experience was scary 为 me but the views from the top were amazing! 


Through my 宝博体育 experience I learned about the different sides of 市场营销 有. 我做了很多工作 Feeds的社交媒体 内容创作, 广告, 和过去的晋升, so I looked 为 new opportunities to expand my 市场营销 experience. 看到一个数字营销和分析的职位让我很感兴趣,我觉得我很适合这个职位. I wanted to try something different and see what I could get out of it. 我想, “也许我会更喜欢它.” 


I learned to film cooking content with a camera stabilizer 为 Feeds的社交媒体.   

你在都柏林遇到的文化差异如何影响你解决问题的方法和适应能力, particularly in the context of your internship 面试s?  

In 爱尔兰, their work and academic culture is generally more ambiguous. For example, students don’t really get rubrics 为 their assignments. 他们应该接受任务,用自己的想法来展示他们的技能,而不是展示他们如何满足要求. 我在我的 国际宝博体育, 通过教会我创造自己的解决方案,它重塑了我分析和解决问题的方式. 在我的宝博体育面试中, I demonstrated those skills by completing an analytics assessment and presenting my findings. The assessment was open-ended, so I expressed my thoughts through my findings. 


这是Top Green Tips活动的一部分, spreading tips to make your eating and cooking habits more sustainable. 

Could you share an example of a challenge you faced while studying abroad and how you overcame it, and how this experience prepared you 为 navigating challenges in the workplace?  

我在工作中遇到了一些挑战 在国外宝博体育 because I was tasked with many things I hadn’t done be为e. One of my main projects was conducting user experience 面试s 为 market research. My supervisors gave me a few examples to go off, but these 面试s had different goals in mind. I went through a lot of trial and error throughout the process, 在提问的过程中, 进行采访, 写我的期末报告. 我并不是每次都能把事情做好, but I asked 为 feedback and changed my process to find more effective solutions. 我可以用我学到的技能以不同的方式解决问题,并思考导致成功的细节. 

A green and white social media graphic with sustainable tips


You mentioned discussing 都柏林 in your final round of internship 面试s. 你如何有效地将你的海外留学经历融入到面试中,以证明你适合Ovative集团的宝博体育职位?  

To begin, I introduced my 在国外宝博体育 in my personal introduction. This gave some background to me, and the current work displayed on my résumé. 在我提到宝博体育之后,我经常被问到这个问题,如果我决定用它来回答一个问题,一开始就谈论它会让我更容易描述. 的主要价值之一 技术组 是围绕 身份与一些 我用我在国外的经历来展示我如何寻找与不同的人合作的方法,因为这有助于建立更有效的团队和解决方案. 

The final round 面试s at 技术组 had different themes such as values, 领导, 分析性思维, 和毅力. 你在国外的经历怎么样, 尤其是在都柏林, contribute to your ability to address each of these themes effectively?  

对于价值观, my abroad experience showed that I value 多样性 and getting to know different perspectives. 的领导, 我的很多宝博体育工作都是独立完成的, so I took initiative on my projects and made important decisions. My internship contributed greatly to my analytical skills, 创造一种获取信息的方法,然后分析并为我的主管提供解决方案. 毅力是我在国外学习的主要技能. 宝博体育是一个非常困难但有益的过程,需要很大的毅力来度过所有的高潮和低谷.  

你能详细说明你在都柏林的文化和学术环境中遇到的歧义是如何让你在工作场所处理歧义的吗, 就像你在“勇气”访谈中提到的?  

在我的面试中,有人问我如何处理模棱两可的问题. I immediately thought of my coursework 为 the internship where we discussed exactly this. 我回答说: “爱尔兰的文化与美国不同.S. because they tend to be more ambiguous, so they don’t come off as rude. At work, you might be asked to complete a project but hardly get any instructions on how to do it. In my internship with Feeds, I had to make up the instructions myself as what I think is best. And I so I dealt with ambiguity through my organizational skills and my ability to dig deeper, asking questions that people might not think of immediately. 这可以应用于任何工作场所."




How did your time abroad foster your ability to think critically and independently, and how did you showcase these qualities during the 面试 process?  

Most of my internship work was very independent so I figured out a lot of things on my own. 使我的工作更好, I analyzed it and asked my supervisors 为 feedback to get different perspectives. 我通过讨论如何学会在不舒服的情况下寻求反馈来展示这些技能. 我还谈到了我如何组织我的用户体验访谈数据,为我的主管制作一份报告. 这份报告帮助他们集思广益,他们希望未来的feed是什么,以及我们如何使它更灵活,以适应更多的生活方式. 




在我的全球宝博体育课程中, we learned how to “per为m” in an 面试 and communicate our experiences effectively. In this class, I learned a lot about communication and what kind of a worker I am. 向雇主展示一个具体的形象,让他们相信你是信守诺言的. 我利用这些技巧去面试,创造了一份信息丰富的履历,并清楚地传达了我当时在爱尔兰完成的工作.  


This internship had a lot of remote work so I often went to cafés to get away from my apartment. 这是在KC桃子店. 

反思你的整体留学经历, 你认为你在宝博体育面试中获得的最重要的经验或技能是什么,并最终接受了技术组的职位?  

One of the most significant lessons I learned was to not be afraid to ask questions. Most of the time, I felt very in the dark and unsure of what to do. 向我的主管提出澄清性的问题,并寻求反馈,让我带着一个更详细的项目回来,我对这个项目更有信心. I figured out what my supervisors were looking 为 even when they didn’t know what they wanted. 我在采访中谈到了这一点,以表明我一直在努力深入挖掘,为我遇到的问题找到最佳解决方案. 


图书馆也是远程工作的好地方. 这个图书馆是我最喜欢的邓老盖尔图书馆之一. 

沉浸在都柏林的新环境对你的个人和职业发展有何帮助, 你是如何在面试中利用这种增长的?  

我了解到我喜欢挑战自己和尝试新事物,因为它们是令人难以置信的回报. 尝试新事物,比如用户体验访谈, 生活在不同的国家, 或者独自旅行都包括在内. 我在Ovative的几次采访中都表达了这一点,这表明了我努力工作的决心. 数字营销和分析对我来说仍然很新鲜,但我愿意处理Ovative给我的任何任务. This quality shows that I’ll be a great addition to a team no matter what tasks are at hand. 


I went on a solo hike 为 the first time in 爱尔兰 and it was beautiful! 

格温·克莱夫(Gwen Kleve)是一位校友内幕人士,她于24年春季在爱尔兰都柏林学习和宝博体育. Gwen studies Marketing at the University of Minnesota-Twin Cities.

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